_Visual Art

SECTION Visual Art_ video_ perform_ object_ installation_ multimedia_ sculpture_ drawing & graphism _ photo_
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86 164,1s

video • 2011

1 mn project : video 01
86 164,1 second
Florencia . Italia



photo • 2010



installation • 2010

Installation, cut and print cardboard, steel frame, variable dimensions

The area of technical reproducibility opens a way to a sacralised relation to the art piece and its mass consumption.
Disincarnation of an alleged original “aura” of the “master-work” in the industrial serialisation of its artefacts. Here, puzzles of master pieces are broken up to their very pieces, and lined up according to the reading order and reset on empty metallic frames.
Stocking of fragmentary data of a passed history devoted to art, the slices recall the graphic bars compacted into hard disks, getting rid of its obsolete memories as time goes by. The rhythmic formulas cut the space into virtual continuums, as a kind of digital landscape to monochrome variations.
From a certain point of view, a visual frontier appears, creating an irisation effect sometimes interrupted by the possibility to pass in between the lines.



sculpture • 2010

Sculpture, steel tubes, pvc, variable dimensions

Converted into modules, SeQ-L plastic caps pile up and proliferate from upper grounds to undergrounds, usurping the space.
Composed like a sample, the art piece draws rhythmic curves leaking into the building. The installation links the infinitely small to the infinitely large, plays with the tensions between waves and particles, and revisits physics : DNA branches or string theory.
The title refers to the idea of trauma in line with the molecular memory, a trouble caused by an accident.



installation • 2010

Boxing Helmet, sensors, electronic device

Inserted into fighting helmets, eye sockets connected to electronic sensors broadcast a high pressure acoustic frequency. The system is inspired by a new type of despotic weapon conceived to maintain order :
reference to the acoustic bombers used during war time to upset nerves, to the hyper-frequency device that causes trouble and sickness used by the G-20 to prevent insurrection, or to the “Beethoven”, those ultrasounds audible only by teenagers and used in Great Britain to keep squatters away from building halls.
The device invites us to enter a fracture of the repressive system, constricted in between two isolating walls, in between two bowed heads, in between two tonsils : encephalon nucleus keeping signs of our fears.
The art piece takes place in the infra-thin chink of an oppressed freedom, where the fight against pressure and social control in power is questioned.


Écran Total

installation • 2010

Installation, Wood frame, striped canvas, variable dimensions

In between low and high tech, the art piece puts up a screen to eRikm’s moving and transversal languages.
Canvas, frame, industrial colours and formal abstractions refer to a certain history of art which surfaces, as if medium and materials have been re-digested. Wefts, streaks and stretched pixels replay the graphic resolutions set on analogical editing tables/ mixing desk.
In this chromatic and graphic familiar environment, the tarpaulins turn themselves into TV test patterns and the screen refers to the idea of filters : for models, connection filters, filters for a reality perceived through the lines of a canvas.

Version 650 cm X 400 cm



sculpture • 2010

Printing lead letters, 400 cm Ø

Small typographic lead strips are strewn over the floor. Dust from dismantled words forms a chaotic mass into which the language is broken up.
The lead material contains in itself the potential of degeneration and loss of language, symptoms of saturnism.
The art piece sounds like an auto-da-fe, dark ceremony emblematic of the worst tactics used for thinking standardization, and raises from their ashes the block capitals for new scores to be improvised.
Entropic phenomenon, the inert matter turns into energy and opens to other possible languages.



sculpture • 2010

Angle grinder, coloured vinyl, silicone

As a tribute to FM Einheit, industrial music pioneer, PORN-NOISE displays a hybrid mating between a virile machine and a virgin icon. Punk energy merges with a melodic overtone in a musical coitus both ironic and threatening.
The electric angle grinder is autopsied, and its steel instrument replaced by a coloured vinyl in a kitsch way.
Enraged noise pop-anesthetized, infernal machine emasculated with a pink 45 rpm record… A nod to industrial music sound aggressions, immediately followed by the tangy wind of pop.


SECTION Visual Art_ video_ perform_ object_ installation_ multimedia_ sculpture_ drawing & graphism _ photo_
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