21.01 w gaudenz Badrutt / Biel-Bienne . Switzerland
22.01 Chaos Club Cave 12 / Geneva . Switzerland
30/31.01 CCN - Ballet de Lorraine Research residency ::unedansecontinue: : with E.Huynh C.I.E. MÙA / Nancy . France
01.02 Solo Idiosyncrasy Cercle du Laveu / Liege . Belgium
28.03 Solo Idiosyncrasy Dedale #24 / Bordeaux . France
23.04 Sury-Tanuki / Perpignan . France
25.04 Sury-Tanuki / Mosset . France
20.06 Solo Idiosyncrasy @ Madame Patrick / Arles . France
14/18.07 CDCN Research residency ::unedansecontinue: : C.I.E. MÙA / Toulouse . France
04.10 Sun-Dog duet with Isabelle Duthoit / Biel-Bienne . Switzerland
20.10 to 03.11 CNDC Research residency ::unedansecontinue: : C.I.E. MÙA / Angers . France
04/05.11 CNDC Creation ::unedansecontinue: : with E.Huynh C.I.E. MÙA / Angers . France
15.11 Bruit Blanc festival / Perpignan . France
ErikM & Pierre Bastien
Pierre Bastien is currently developing a set of mechanized mutes for the trumpet, in the spirit of his
famous mechaniums.
Confronting his new mutes with ErikM Idiosyncrasie’s current device clearly creates an encounter
between two mechanics, one analog and the other digital.
This is music where the balance between aesthetic boundaries is fragile.
A syntony combining mechanics and breath, an oscillation of the same frequency.
Jean Dubuffet used to define his music as something untidy and dirty.
But here, it’s a Dubuffet returning from a long trip to Africa, with haunting rhythms that go as far as
trance, corrupted by ErikM’s UK-Drill.
Pierre Bastien’s sound materials are carried away in a continuous, unpredictable and unknown flow, raw,
without beginning or end, and seemingly devoid of any narrative.
It’s a listening situation in motion, where listeners oscillate on a flow of projected sound shadows.
Unpublished sound objects by Pierre Henry / Reload and original composition by ErikM
The project
Bidule 2.0 is organized in two parts, the first being an acousmatic composition for a minimum of 8 loudspeakers and the second an electronic live performance, two practices that characterize ErikM’s work.
In the acousmatic version, these two approaches will consist solely of unused original sounds by Pierre Henry. In the live electronics version, other unpublished sounds by Pierre Henry will be mixed with ErikM’s sound materials.
2 X 20 minutes Total : ±40 minutes
Sonoris records > New collection CINEMA POUR L’OREILLE
Plateforme MÙA by Emmanuelle Huynh
Music by ErikM
Creation 04/05.11 CNDC / Angers . France