_Visual Art

SECTION Visual Art_ video_ perform_ object_ installation_ multimedia_ sculpture_ drawing & graphism _ photo_

Zome ゾム

multimedia • 2018

Project by Erikm & Stéphane Cousot
Live streaming & real time
Erikm perform with Idiosyncrasy & Sound-map
Stéphane Cousot Perform with Rhizome
Image by Stéphane Cousot
Sound & Anamorphose light by Erikm
Vidéo editing by Erikm
Sound-map by Locus Stream
Espace multimédia Gantner, Festival Gamerz


Light cone



multimedia • 2017

Work Exhibition - 2013-2017
Monitor & TV screen
Dalle Lcd & Led or Cold Cathode

Since the beginning of 2010, eRikm uses the physical properties of "prepared" TV screen cathodes, in the musical sense of the term, to obtain "improvised" variations :
the degradations he applies beforehand to the screens he uses generate evolutionary images due to the gradual disappearance of the physical qualities of the screen and of the cathodes it contains. A paradoxical phenomenon, since the progressive death of the screen gives rise to new images, in an almost permanent recycling movement that lasts until either the power or the screen is turned off.

Le Sechoir



multimedia • 2013

Monitor 20 inch
GPU crash & shock screen

Doubse hysterie

multimedia • 2013

Saison 4 : Spring 2013
eRikm - Besançon La Chaux-de-Fonds

Creation of 9 unpublished compositions on a path 113 mn

A collaboration between the association Intermèdes Géographiques (Besançon) and ABC Cultural Center (La Chaux-de-Fonds), Crossings is a cycle of sound travels border to listen on the train that connects France and Switzerland , the actual line of Clockmakers.

Music scrolls the image of landscape, progressing in the GPS marks the route ; freely available via a downloadable application on his mobile phone (Android, iOS) or a broadcast system (housing and headset) - devices created specifically by ENSMM Besançon and made ​​available to the public in major cities of the course.

intermed geo

Doubse hysterie / extract

L’Aire de la moure

multimedia • 2013

L’Aire de la Moure by eRikm
Spring 2013
Time : 28.00mn . 2013
GPS 43.39351030583172 5.505437850952148

Soundwalks Radio Grenouille is more than 40 creations, specially designed for scenery & nature between the city of Marseille Provence and "GR 2013" to discover walking, headphones on.

The soundwalks will be available for audio listening, walking and - free download .

promenades sonores

L’Aire de la moure


multimedia • 2010

Monitor & TV screen
Dalle Lcd & Led or Cold Cathode

Since the beginning of 2010, eRikm uses the physical properties of "prepared" TV screen cathodes, in the musical sense of the term, to obtain "improvised" variations :
the degradations he applies beforehand to the screens he uses generate evolutionary images due to the gradual disappearance of the physical qualities of the screen and of the cathodes it contains. A paradoxical phenomenon, since the progressive death of the screen gives rise to new images, in an almost permanent recycling movement that lasts until either the power or the screen is turned off.


Généresense Soustractive

videomultimedia • 2008

Extract : 58.00 S.
original time : 07.50 m
Projected onto a specific screen
concept and music by eRikm
programming Stéphane Cousot

Accumulation and repetition of a complex variable image -
This features several states of subtractive synthesis of the image
source, which were then reorganized and composed.
The work on images involves the same processes that I have developed with sound. I use very short fragments of visual or sound material (video or photographs) that I explore digitally with a relationship of disincarnation, fragmentation and generational synthesis of one or several elements.



Corrélation 1

videomultimedia • 2007

Extract : 01.35 mn
original time : 08.47 mn
image & music by eRikm

The image, recorded with a GSM, is a video capture from a car park POS display, retranscribing a software bug.
This 8.24 minutes piece was made out of a five seconds fragment of a pre-existing track, downloaded from the Internet.
Games of speed, fragmentary displacement and time within this cell.


SECTION Visual Art_ video_ perform_ object_ installation_ multimedia_ sculpture_ drawing & graphism _ photo_
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