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performance • 2023

Symphonie d’une grande ville (1927) by Walther Rottmann
Creation May 2023
Paris Music Festival
Musée des Arts et Métiers Paris . France

Ciné concert with music by Erikm with some sounds (19’) by Pierre Henry, to images from Walther Ruttmann’s German silent film "Berlin symphonie d’une grande ville".


Le Candidat

performance • 2018

24.01.18 à 20h
Le Louvre - Auditorium
Tribute to Pierre Henry - The composer and the image
Le Candidat by Gérald Belkin, 1966, 22 min, music by eRikm,
restored version 2017

Evening presented by Philippe Langlois, musicologist at the Louvre



performance • 2016

eRikm & Les Percussions de Strasbourg
Teaser 1 & 2 / Full Show 3
Commissioned by Percussions de Strasbourg & GMEM
World premier : Oct 7th 2016 @ Musica festival, Strasbourg, FR
Joint work for percussion and electro live, 50 ‘
Production : Percussions de Strasbourg
Coproduction : Co opérative, GMEM, Musica,
Cité musicale - Metz.
With the support of CNC / DICREAM.


theaterperformance • 2016

Theatre Research
Conception by Aurélia Ivan & eRikm
Sound by eRikm

Né de la rencontre/alliance entre deux créateurs d’univers différents, Aurelia Ivan et eRikm. Ils croisent leurs pratiques et mettent en communs leurs préoccupations lors d’une création éphémère pour le Festival Extension, organisé par La Muse en Circuit, CNCM d’Alfortville.
± Angle Mort est un télescopage, un essai opératique autour de la notion d’accident, questionnant les mécanismes habituels de création et de représentation.

Conception Aurelia Ivan & eRikm /
Extraits de Petit Manuel d’inesthétique d’Alain Badiou
Avec eRikm, Guillaume Junot, Vincent Léger, Allan Périé et la participation de
L’équipe technique de la Maison des Arts de Créteil
Régie lumière, son, vidéo Guillaume Junot
Photographe Georges Poncet
Direction de production Antoine Blesson
Administration Allan Périé
Remerciements Eric Lopes, Fratz Jourda

C.I.E Tsara & La Muse en Circuit
Coproduction La Muse en Circuit - Centre National de Création Musicale, Festival Extension. Avec le soutien de la Maison des Arts de Créteil et le soutien exceptionnel du Groupe Renault. TSARA est soutenue par la Région Île-de-France au titre de la Permanence Artistique et Culturelle.

Durée : 30mn

C.I.E Tsara


eRikm & FM Einheit

performance • 2008

duration : 50 mn
eRikm : Turntables
FM Einheit : Metal sheet / Clay bricks / Metal springs
Creation 2008 Festival Musique Action Nancy . France




performance • 2008

Festival futuro presente Rovereto . italy
duration : 40 mn

Photographed by franck Hurley
music score : Erikm was perform according to the film ’south’

In December 1914, Shackleton set sail with his 27-man crew, many of
whom, it is said, had responded to the following recruitment notice : "Men
wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of
complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and
recognition in case of success. -Ernest Shackleton."

this restored version of the film has been construted by the national film
and television archive from a wide range of materials.
the NFTVA has applied its own tinting and toning to match the original prints,
and has produced this handsome and richly coloured testament to a remarkable
episode in the history of exploration



Hyperscope by Levox

performance • 2007

music score : eRikm
film action : Gaelle Rouart & Etienne Caire
Centre Pompidou Paris . France
tour in EU & UK

HyperScope is a new project from Levox - squeezing fresh filmic juice from all those discarded cinematic lemons. Expertly exploiting elaborate optical techniques and sharp, encyclopedic musical juxtapositions, both filmmakers and musician playfully corral the whole gamut of dramatic cinema’s legacy ; it’s stereotypes, its sentimental pronouncements, its fatal dénouements ; reconstituted and reworked by hand, coloured, cropped, re-shot and re-printed ; soundtracks layered, slowed, sped up and reformed.

Gaelle Rouard and Etienne Caire extract HyperScope’s imagery from what seems like hundreds of different films - overlaid, combined and contrasted in a rainbow of new meanings and impossible scenarios, and with the unsettling feel of daylight shadows or midnight bird-song. In a flow of colours and dramatic intrigue the unknown sits next to the known, and perhaps draws some strange new meaning from it.

Meanwhile eriKm brings his patent-pending, made-in -France broken-punk take on Musique Concrète, derived from an approach to turntables that seems just, you know : beyond. As with the filmmakers, the sound is culled and ripped from film soundtracks ; reworked, and layered into half-rhythms of inchoate screams and slammed car doors marking out time. In the end, its this new soundtrack that grips the rudder while light and chemical swirl about in an organic, polymorphing maelstrom.

All in all, a dizzying and intense experience, full of compressed narratives and real drama.




Un voyage fantastique

performance • 2004

Densités festival Fresnes en Watt - France
duration : 25 mn

lyrics : christophe fiat
musics : erikm & c. fiat


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